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How to Make Your Copy Magnetic, Part 2: Movement

copywriting marketing
How to Make Your Copy Magnetic, Part 2: Movement

Welcome to CreativeDemand Copywriting Tips, I’m Anna, a professional copywriter. Today we’re talking about how to make your copy magnetic. This tip is part two, which is about using the concept of movement. Part one was about using mystery, so check out that video when you get a chance.

Action Attracts Attention

What do I mean when I say “movement”? What I’m really talking about is action. People gravitate toward action. Something is happening, which means that change is occurring. Our minds are designed to take notice of change. That’s another element of storytelling that we want to use in our copywriting. We crave change and find it fascinating. 

So how are we using movement in terms of copy? We want to make things time-bound. Right now. Today. Next week. Here’s an event, a challenge, an announcement, a sale. You can invite people to participate in something with you. You can conduct an experiment and keep people updated on your progress. 

The more that you indicate meaningful movement, the more people will look to you for fresh ideas and even want to participate in what you’re doing. I say “meaningful movement” because you aren’t trying to overwhelm people with activity. Give them focal points:

  • For this week only, we are offering this specific bundle of products. 
  • This month, we’re doing a 30-day productivity challenge, and you can join us. 
  • Register for our webinar by tomorrow at 5 p.m.

And so forth!

You don’t want to do so much that it seems chaotic, just enough to help them see that you’re active. And make sure that people understand how to join you. Give them a chance to anticipate what you’re going to do instead of springing it on them.

Create Anticipation and Frame Your Offers

What does that look like in copywriting? It means sending out teaser emails. Preparing for a product launch weeks in advance by letting people know what’s coming. You can use mystery, like we talked about before, and give them the movie trailer version of what they can look forward to. 

And you can frame offers by making them time-bound. This week, today, right now. You may not always be in control of the offer, but if you are, remember that your copy is more magnetic when you demonstrate meaningful movement, fresh ideas, and progress. 

Looking for Ways to Engage Your Audience?

If you’re a writer or blogger looking for more ways to engage your audience, I encourage you to check out the Storytelling and Sales Kit. We talk about using the concepts of mystery and movement and how to pivot to selling in an authentic way. Thanks for reading!