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“Is This for Me?”: Helping Customers Self-Qualify

copywriting marketing

Welcome to CreativeDemand Copywriting Tips, I’m Anna, a professional copywriter. Today we’re talking about how to help customers self-qualify for products and services. Here’s how it works.

We can spend a lot of time as copywriters trying to get our customers to recognize their need for a product or service. But your goal is never to arm-twist or corner your prospect; your goal is to help them to clearly see the opportunity so they make the best decision for themselves. 

I call this “polishing the window” — making sure that everything important is visible and easily understood, so the customer’s desired result (the transformation) is accessible and evident. 

When you polish the window, you can give customers the chance to self-qualify for a product or service instead of trying to convince them that it’s right for them. They don’t need to be told; they discover it for themselves. 

3 Approaches to Help Your Customers Self-Qualify 

To do this, you want to define certain criteria (bullet points are great for this) that would mean the product or service is right for the customer. You can make your list…

  • Problem-based. List the specific challenges, paint points, or feelings that your customer would be dealing with (and that your product would solve). 
  • Target-market-based. List the vocations, stage of life, interests, etc. that would characterize a person who would benefit most from your product.
  • Transformation-based. List the desired concrete and conceptual results that a person would want to experience. 

Your list can be a mix of these things, or you can do a full list based on a single approach. When your customer reads your “this product would be right for you if…” list, they should think, “They’re talking to me!” 

Based on the number of qualifications they meet, they can feel more convinced in their own mind that they should purchase what you’re offering.

The Importance of Helping Customers Self-Qualify

It’s important for customers to self-qualify so that they feel empowered, not cornered, when they reach the point of transaction. Your customer should always feel like they have a choice and that they are making that choice for themselves. 

Great copywriting is not just about getting potential customers to act quickly, it’s also about getting them to think clearly so that they’re satisfied with their purchase — and they become more loyal to the brand. You want to repeat customers, not single transactions. 

Learn How to Write Better Copy

If you want to learn how to write compelling, attractive copy that is based on your customers’ values and desires, check out the Transformation Copywriting course. You’ll discover the empathy, techniques, and components that make up a premium copywriting skill set. Thanks for reading!