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What Makes a Sale Easy

copywriting marketing
what makes a sale easy

Welcome to CreativeDemand Copywriting Tips, I’m Anna, a professional copywriter. Today we’re talking about what makes a sale easy. 

Are there any easy sales? Even the sales that look effortless or seem like a no-brainer have typically had a tremendous amount of strategy and energy put into them. 

What I really want to talk about is the mindset that gets you to that frictionless path of selling. Some people are so motivated to acquire revenue that they come across as manipulative. Even if they’re highly effective. 

And chances are, you want to make money with your business, but you don’t want to look or sound like those people. And this is a struggle for a lot of talented people who go to market. 

They have a terrible time promoting themselves or their products, or they get sort of halfway there but it doesn’t feel genuine. So what’s the mindset you should have that will make the sale easy, both for you and your customer? 

Getting Clear on Your Role

Selling is how I make a living. But I care deeply about the results that my customers and clients get. I want them to feel how I would want to feel if I were buying something, like they’re getting what they need. Like they’re being taken care of. 

This is something we talk about in my Transformation Copywriting™ course. When you write copy to sell something, you’re acting as a facilitator of your customer’s transformation, their desired result. 

You need to give them all the information they need about the features and the benefits of the product, the mission and the story of the company, and the impact of their action or inaction. That’s your role. 

Copywriting Is About Showcasing the Real Value of Products and Services

So we do what I like to call polishing the window. You are not trying to embellish an offer or make products sound more spectacular than they are. Instead, you’re trying to eliminate any barriers to seeing the real value that those products and services already have. 

And when you do that effectively, you can sell without feeling like you’re taking advantage of people. Instead, you’re helping people, and you can get excited about it. When you polish the window, they can see for themselves if the product is right for them. 

That’s what makes a sale easy, for you and your customer.

Interested in Learning Copywriting?

In the Transformation Copywriting course, we talk about connecting with customers so that you earn trust and they keep coming back. Great copywriting is not about getting a bunch of clicks or transactions today. It’s about engaging with audiences and earning customers for the long-term. So if you want to learn more about that, I encourage you to check out the course. Thanks for reading!